Amy gave us the assignment to make reflections on
some things that happened to or with you within this minor. The assignment was to reflect in different ways. At first, I didn't feel this assignment at all since I'm used to reflecting with essays and never got the opportunity to reflect on myself in any other way.
After a few days, I started opening up to the idea of reflecting in different ways. Once that happened I
just started with writing down ideas and from those sketches, the following results came out.


Black Pete

The first reflection I made is something I already used
earlier on my hotglue. It's the letter I wrote to Sinterklaas. A childish innocent way I chose to discuss a heavy subject.
I really felt the need to speak about the black pete topic since my idea about black pete is something that
changed the last few years and through this minor
I learned to talk about it.

My personal world vision

The second reflection I made represents my personal world vision change through this minor.
I used this picture with a piece of text on my social media since a lot of people asked about how I liked the minor I'm doing and got questions like 'What are you really learning?'.

You can find the social media post below.
The way home
The next step