30-10 & 31-10

We started off as a big project group of 6 people and decided to split up.
From now on the project group, I'm in is Daan, Syree and me. Since we were all busy with our essays we only have two days to prepare for the mid-term presentation. This means in two days we need to come up with a great idea for our group work that also fits all our essays.

After some hours of brainstorming, we came up with the idea to research what 'feeling at home' means. This because it fits all our essays, all three in another way. The idea was to take the aspects of feeling at home together with the place you're at. Of course, feeling at home is soo much more than a place. But because we have to choose to make it achievable we decided to only pick one aspect of feeling at home.
Midterm presentation

During the midterm presentation, we had to explain our project idea.
Admitting it here, our presentation ended up being a little disaster. Looking back at it now I would say we explained it very badly. We didn't think it through well enough before presenting it. After getting the not so positive feedback I felt a little defeated. This was just the first emotional reaction. After the feedback, we came back together as a group and deleted our idea and started over from scratch.
From this moment on, for me, it felt like as if we were behind on schedule at all time. As if we couldn't make it anymore. Now I can say that's why there is a midterm presentation. And it's not impossible to start from scratch with the right amount of motivation. at home.