Today we are playing our game for the first time at the high school. This went better than expected. The first and second years we had today were really excited to play the game and were also really interested in discussing the different topics. We really noticed this was a good way to discuss topics with these kids.
Upfront we didn't tell them the intention of the game. We just played. Sometimes kids made jokes who weren't funny in the eyes of another student.
Afterward, we went through all the answers people did and didn't like and gave everyone the chance to explain.
After that, we also talked through some topics they made jokes about and explained the meaning of those topics like Black Pete, Sexism, Gender equality etcetera, A lot of kids really wanted to learn about those topics. Sometimes they filled each other in about some topics.

We've noticed the Black Pete discussion among kids is repeating the media. Not even knowing the point of the whole discussion at all since parents don't talk about it.

Or kids never had a serious conversation about racist comments they make as a joke.
Another day of being able to play our game in multiple classes. Today we had some classes which are further in their high school career. Luckily they were just as excited as the first groups.

We've noticed that those groups are a little harder since they're really busy 'surviving' within the group. Be the bully or get bullied is something you could really see.

Due to this, we had something to talk about when they made racist jokes to another classmate. Some of them didn't even get why it was racist. And another could finally speak up due to the humor to say she doesn't like sex jokes at all and she feels uncomfortable when people make such jokes.
Today we took our time to redisgn our game a little since we've learned a lot from the pas two days. Tomorrow we have antoher day to play our game at the high school.

There we go again! Another day of playing our game and discussing some Cultural Diveristy topics, raise awareness of racist comments/jokes etcetra.

Yesterday we've changed some cards for a better effect of the game. This day went also very good. We are really happy with the results!

The teacher who let us 'use' her classes to play this game is a philosophy teacher. She was really enthusiastic about are research and the game we made. She really saw that it worked to discuss topics like this. She askes us if she could have the game for her classes and if we wanted to come back to give a guest class in some other classes as well. After all the hard work we were really happy with this reaction. I think we can say we achieved what we wanted to!
After playing our game this week we're ready to prepare our final presentation and our stuff for the exhibition.

I felt satisfied after the last few days but stressed as well because we still have a lot to do for upcoming week.

I feel certain we can proof our game worked within the Cultural Diversity minor at the final presentation on upcoming tuesday.
Some impressions of the game we played together with some quotes from the kids after discussing and re-thinking the things they said/thought or laughed about.

‘’ When you say the N-word in front of dark-skinned people you’re disrespectful. Actually, it’s disrespectful at all time. You should never say that word’’
– High school boy, 1st class

‘’ Nothing racist about Sinterklaas and Black Pete? An old white man who leads black people. I rest my case. ‘’
- High school boy 2nd class
The way home
The next step